Ancient humans found strength, power, peace, encouragement and healing in the stones and crystals they found in their plains, meadows, brooks and streams. Some used these to honor their departed loved ones, some used them as a sign of their authority and status, others used them to help in their spiritual journeys.
These millennia old artifacts remind us of our small place in the history of the universe.
They recall long forgotten attachments to our past. They recall memories of times forgotten.
Today we know that certain, special rocks and gems bring with them specific properties that help us along our life path.
Whether you carry a stone as a personal empowerment reminder or grid your home to bring in positive, loving energy, everyone can benefit in some way by learning about and using the healing power of crystals.
At the very least, they bring the beauty of nature into our lives and homes.
Please use the descriptions below as a guide to find the gem that you may need at the moment. My hope is that it will help you on your journey of self development. This is a journey that never ends, as we can always grow, learn and adapt. Peace be always with you.
Amethyst $2.00
A natural stress reliever, this stone brings protection and spiritual growth. Attracts positive energy into the home, office or personal space.
Amethyst (Chevron) $2.00
Combines the healing power of Amethyst and Clear Quartz. It balances the mind, strengthens intuition, allows new insight into your own personality, clears negative energies and has an uplifting, empowering effect.
Ametrine $5.00
A combination of Amethyst and Citrine. Helps calm and quell feelings of stress and brings into balance the masculine and feminine energies. It also helps to release negative emotional programming.
Angelite $5.00
It is a stone of peace and the connection between ourselves and our Angelic protectors. *Promotes feelings of tranquility and encourages telepathic communication.
Apatite $4.00
A very inspirational stone that brings creativity, motivation and personal power. Supports lucid dreaming, healthy weight loss, and useful in meditation.
Apophollite $4.00
Releases suppressed emotions, helps to ease the pain of a broken heart, helps one learn To recognize the negative, self sabotaging actions and helps to learn how to break the cycle and heal.
Aquamarine $3.00
Teaches us to make the most of the moment rather than waiting for another opportunity. Encourages being true to ones self and trusting the universe to let go.
Aragonite $3.00
Enhances ones connection to the Earth, adds vigor and energy to the body and mind. Promotes reliability and self-discipline, encourages self-worth and self-confidence.
Aragonite (Blue/Green) $5.00
Enhances your ability to communicate, particularly spiritually and aids you to more easily empathize with others. Aides healers and spiritual teachers, it is a stone of hope. Assists the user to be more compassionate in their dealings.
Aventurine $3.00
Helps absorb electromagnetic smog and stabilizes emotions during negative situations. Helps turn irritation and anger into compassion and empathy for yourself and others.
Axinite $3.00
Emanates a wholesome and helpful energy. Helps to bridge the unconscious and conscious mind, letting the waking mind hold on to lessons learned during meditation, dreams and other spiritual planes. Helps to increase ones endurance, especially useful to those who work long hours or who have an emotionally draining job.
Black Tourmaline $3.00
Best known s a grounding and protection stone. This stone relieves negative energy and deflects it back to its origins. Helps to shield and detox from electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, TV’s and computers.
Blood Stone (Seftonite) $4.00
The meaning behind the naming of this stone is said to be a representation of the blood shed by Jesus Christ. Helps one handle bullying, and any other kind of personal attack. Helps one to think clearly and calmly when faced with a difficult situation. Instills courage and confidence in the face of turmoil.
Blue Aventurine $3.00
Helps one tap into and recognize ones personal psychic gifts. Helps the user to let go of selfish thinking and bad, self deprecating personal habits. Good for use as a healers stone. Helps to open the third eye to see things before, now, and after more clearly.
Blue Chalcedony $2.00
Known to increase communication with spirit. Helps to enhance the skills of listening and communication. Ones the mind to receive new ideas and new situations. This stone is known to increase mental flexibility and can help the user learn new languages and improve the memory.
Blue Sodalite Small $.75 Large $2.00
A stone of mental and intuitive awareness. It enhances creativity, analysis, insight and mindfulness. Reduces anger and frustration and assists the user to bring order to chaotic situations.
Botswana Agate $3.00
A reminder that we are love and compassion in action. Carries a quiet energy that helps us explore solutions to problems instead of just dwelling on them.
Carnelian $3.00
Known as the artists stone, it helps too boost confidence and the power of true expression. Helps the user to move forward with projects and stimulates ambition.
Chrysocolla $4.00
Enhancing to ones life force, it adds an infusion of calming energy that helps you move more fluidly and harmoniously through all aspects of your life.
Citrine $2.00
Attracts joy, wealth, success, and prosperity. Imparts wisdom, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self esteem and self confidence. Promotes motivation, activates creativity, and encourages self expression.
Clear Quartz Small 2 for $1.00 Large $2.00
The most powerful and versatile of all the crystals. Known to be able to work on any illness, and amplifies the power of any other crystal or intention it is paired with. It is known to protect against negativity and connects the user to their higher self.
Dalmatian Jasper $3.00
Brings childlike joy and an abundance of playfulness into your life. Thought to aid the reflexes, nerves, and cartilage. Boosts the immune system and helps to detoxify the body.
Desert Rose $5.00
Aids the user to stand their ground and surpass any hardship. It embodies strength and inspires the user yo have heart-centered thoughts.
Dragons Blood Jasper $4.00
Embodies the soul of a warrior. Helps the user to relax and recuperate if they have taken too many knocks on life’s road. Weather it is to heal physical injuries or to overcome a tired and weary mind, this stone helps the user navigate and overcome tough situations.
Dumortierite $4.00
Known as a stone of support, it helps those who may feel less than confident in thought and idea. Assist the user in staying true and in standing up for oneself.
Emerald $3.00
”The stone of success and love” Opens and nurtures the heart. Soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the body and mind. Brings a sense of freshness and vitality to the spirit.
Fancy Jasper $2.00
Acts as an energetic tonic for anyone who is recovering from long term illness and boosts the immune system.
Garnet $3.00
A spiritual stone of higher thinking and self-empowerment. Encourages gratitude and aids the user in acts of service to others. An excellent stone for healers as it can remove negative energies and transmute them into a state the benefits the user.
Green Calcite $3.00
Brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive changes in ones life. Encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings a softness to the heart, stimulating compassion.
Hematite $3.00
Absorbs negative energy and calms the user in times os stress or worry. A very protective stone that is great to keep on ones person to keep the user grounded in many situations. Helps transform negative energies into more positive vibrations.
Hematite (Rainbow Magnetic) $6.00
The bright future stone”, helps to balance the aura and attune the user to the higher vibrations of the universe. Very helpful in activating the energy needed to help manifest your desires.
Honey Calcite $5.00
Gently amplifies energy and psychic abilities via the third eye and crown chakras. Great to place in a new home or office to positively charge the space before moving in. Helps us learn to let our personal light shine and acknowledges our own personal powers.
Jet $2.00
Also known as lignite, a very strong protecting and grounding stone. Dispelling to fearful thoughts and absorbing in nature, this stone helps to draw out negative energy and protects against evil.
K2 $6.00
A newly found crystal that takes its name from its home in the foothills of the worlds second highest mountain, Mount K2 in Pakistan. Helps the user have more control over our own emotions and feel more balanced mentally and physically. A wonderful connector of people, it helps to bring together groups into harmony and encouraging balanced communication between many individuals.
Kambaba Jasper $3.00
A stone of peace and tranquility, imbued with the green energy of nature. Calms and relaxes troubled mind and spirits.
Labradorite $4.00
A stone of transformation, a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. Excellent for strengthening intuition, promotes psychic abilities.
Lapis Lazuli $3.00
A stone of wisdom, intuition, and truth. A powerful crystal that is good for anyone seeking to deepen their connection to self. The times you are faced with a choice of decision, let this crystal empower you to move forward in a way that is of benefit to you.
Lava $2.00
A grounding stone that strengthens ones connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It is also very useful in dissipating anger.
Lepidolite $3.00
A stone of transition, it assists in the release of old behaviors and psychological patterns. It gently induces change and brings deep emotional healing.
Malachite $5.00
Protective, absorbs negative energy, guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution.
Mahogany Obsidian $4.50
A natural glass obsidian that has inclusions of hematite or magnetite creating the mahogany colored patches in the stone. A powerful grounding stone that is commonly used to give the wearer the strength needed to stand on their own convictions against any enemy. Helps to remove energy blocks. Useful for those suffering from addiction or depression.
Mookaite $3.00
Supporting and nurturing, sustains during times of stress. Brings peace and a sense of wholeness. Helps with decision making, especially if we are having a difficult time. Encourages versatility and helps us accept change.
Moonstone $2.00
A stone of new beginnings. Soothes emotional instability and stress, stabilizes emotions, providing calmness. A stone of inner growth and strength. Enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.
Ocean Jasper $3.00
Aids you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say. Brings joy and elevates spirit.
Obsidian $3.00
Truth enhancing. A strongly protective stone. Forms a shied around the wearer to block negative energy. Draws out mental stress and tension. Stimulates growth on all levels.
Opal (Green) $4.00
Provides nourishing and rejuvenating energies to anyone struggling with emotional heartache. A perfect stone for anyone who may have gone through recent trauma or grief, the dissolution of a relationship, or a hurtful disagreement.
Opal (Pink) $5.00
The healing properties of this stone have a gentle frequency that helps to calm and soothing your emotional body, clearing and calming the heart to bring a sense of love, peace and hope. Encourages the release of fear, worry and anxiety.
Opalite $4.00
A wonderfully serene crystal of love. Said to help form lasting romantic bonds. Believed to alleviate depression, sooth frayed nerves and brings a sense of calm in any situation.
Orange Calcite $2.00
Possesses very gentle, cleansing and revitalizing energy to remove blockages within the body.
Peridot $2.00
Known as the stone of compassion. Believed to bring restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions. The stone also has the ability to inspire eloquence and creativity. It also brings delight and good cheer.
Petrified Wood $4.00
A stone of transformation. It assists one to advance to ones highest chosen level. Helps make the wearer feel safe and secure, calming down survival based fears. Assists in setting a pace and staying with that pace all day long.
Rainbow Flourite $3.00
Highly stabilizing and protective stone that is useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Increases intuitive abilities, links the mind to the universal consciousness and develops connection to spirit.
Red Jasper $2.00
According to some Native American cultures, this stone symbolizes the blood of the Earth, making it particularly sacred. It is full of grounding Earth energy that helps to unify all aspects of your life.
Rhodonite $4.00
A stone of compassion, balances emotions and clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. Aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse. It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness.
Rose Quartz $2.00
The stone of universal love. Restores trust and harmony in relationships. Encourages unconditional love. Purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
Selenite Small $3.00 Large $5.00
A protective stone that sheds a person or space from outside influences. Evokes protection from the angelic realm and dispels negative energy. Helps the user connect with their guides, guardians and higher self. Brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem.
Shungite $7.00
Used for centuries as a powerful healing stone, Peter the Great of Russia used it too purify the water in his spas. Extremely grounding and an excellent protector against electromagnetic energies. Encourages the user to learn more, do more, and push onward toward the next spiritual breakthrough. Said to bring light during times of darkness or uncertainty.
Snowflake Obsidian $2.00
Known a s a stone of purity. Provides balance fo the body, mind, and spirit. Helps the user recognize and release wrong and stressful thinking patterns. Helps to center the whole self.
Tigers Eye $2.00
Helps the wearer release fear and anxiety. Aids in harmonizing and balancing the emotions. A powerful protector, it may also bring good luck to the user.
Turquoise (Arizona) $1.00
Valued sacred by Indigenous Americans. Used as a master healer and is said to assist in the absorption of nutrients while strengthening the immune system and stimulating tissue regeneration. Also recommended for detoxification of alcohol, poisons, or radiation. Aids in clear communication and can also aid the user in public speaking.
Turquoise (Peruvian) $6.00
A master healer and protection stone. It is the bridge between the sky, Heaven and Earth. It connects your mind with the infinite possibilities of the universe and fosters open, honest communication.
Unakite $4.00
Said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for skrying. It is also a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing the emotions and spirituality together.
White Howlite $3.00
Used for creativity, calm communication and to facilitate awareness and encourage emotional expression. It is also used to soften anger and rage, helps to lessen rudeness.
How To Order
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