Capsicum annum

The well-known, red hot chili was brought to the West in 1548 from its native India. The 16th century herbalist, John Gerald, called it “extremely hot and dry even in the fourth degree.” And used it extensively. Today we know it for its culinary application, but cayenne pepper is good for so many other things. It is a potent stimulant for the whole body; it stimulates digestion, disperses blockages, arrests bleeding, decongests the lungs, facilitates the removal of toxins, improves circulation, eases cold sores when used topically and stimulates the senses. It also contains a natural painkiller! Capsaicin, the active substance in cayenne, can block the chemical messenger in your body, called substance P, that transmits the feeling of pain in a local area. This herb has a supportive action when used with aspirin and has proven to increase the absorption of certain medications, thus allowing people to reduce the total amount of prescription drugs they take.

Add the tasty spice to your food or take a capsule a day for full benefit.